Monday, April 4, 2011

Moon discussion 2- MoonFaker - No Crater

Before, we talked about a flag that waved on the surface of the moon with no direct cause. The only cause that makes the most sense was a gust of wind causing the flag to move. Today's discussion is titled "No Crater" and is about the Lunar Module's landing on the moon.

One proponent against this evidence suggest that they shut the engines off 3 meters above the ground to prevent said crater from causing a hole they'd fall into. He then said that Neil Armstrong used the same method. This in incorrect for there's a clear video of Armstrong running the engines while they are landed for a good 5 seconds. So clearly, given the 10,000 pound engine, it should have produced some sort of markings. But alas, nothing.

Also, the lunar module also would have caused a huge amount of dirt to rise into the air and fall all over the vehicle. Picture evidence shows, however, that there isn't a spec of dust on the craft, particularly the legs that make contact with the ground.

To me, personally, this is the biggest piece of evidence. It makes literally not sense for there not to be any sign of landing. None of the arguments against it stand up at all.


  1. Hmm...very interesting...definitely going to read up on this more

  2. i like your blog. keep up the good work

  3. What about the reflector on the moon that's proven to be there?

  4. I always a certain thought that some of these were staged...

  5. I mentioned the other day that i do believe that man has walked on the moon. But it does seem certainly possible that one or more of the lunar landings were faked. I'm always open to debate, my mind isnt completely made up.

  6. I've heard rumors that there weren't any people at all.. But.. some say that earth earth is flat so..

  7. i wont belive anything until real proof of a moon landing is shown, i mean if there has been a moon landing in the past why cant we go to the moon now with our new superior technology and stuff, let me rephrase why hasnt there been another moon fligth ?

  8. Fake fake fake fake. Faker McFakersons.

  9. Good stuff, keep going! I've heard that they would have gotten massive amounts of radiation from space travel- perhaps you can go into that!

  10. We landed on the moon. A secret this big would involve thousands of people and there would be no way to keep it a secret. But it is odd how out of all the attempts to get to the moon, making it seem like a one in a million shot, they were able to do it successfully a few more times afterwards.

  11. interesting, i think we need to investigate more on the radiation from the sun ( the one we're protected by the ozone layer) becuase space suits from back then weren't able to protect guys from that ( i think current ones cant too).

  12. I think it's not a fake :) I wanna learn more so I'll following and suporting :D
